Side effect of stimulants
Side effect of stimulants

side effect of stimulants

I have never seen stimulants cause loss of all the teeth but I have with antidepressants. Saliva protects teeth against cavities so its critical to be really good with brushing, flossing, fluoride treatment and teeth cleaning.


While none of the stimulants is entirely free of this side effect, sometimes when the dryness is severe, a switch in stimulants can help.

side effect of stimulants

It does tend to reduce over a couple of months and most patients don’t find it a hardship after that. Cranky at 4 is common and easily fixed with a small lunch time top up of the stimulant.ĭry Mouth – happens to some degree to almost everyone, but it can be severe. Sometimes there can be rebound irritability or anxiety as the stimulant wears off near the end of the day. In most patients depression as a side effect comes on within a week or two but occasionally it will sneak up over a few months so it may not be obvious at first what’s going on. Fortunately stimulants only work the day you take them, so if side effects do occur, on stopping the offending medication, things go back to baseline within a day or two. Mood Problems – Stimulants can cause anxiety, irritability, sadness and even suicidal thoughts. And sometimes agitation simply means we need to switch medications, to another stimulant or possibly adding a non stimulant or replacing with a non stimulant. This most commonly is too much too soon, but sometimes is too much caffeine, so I recommend everyone minimize caffeine for the first week or two till they get a measure of how sensitive to the combination they are. It will depend on what the patient likes and is willing to eat so some creativity is needed here.Īgitation – it is remarkable how often patients comment on how calm and happy they feel on a stimulant, but they can cause agitation. Nuts make a good snack but are often banned from schools so cheese is a good alternative. Sometimes kids will drink something where they won’t eat a sandwich. For a start, something with fat and protein has a lot more staying power than rapidly absorbed sugars. the biggest problem is not eating lunch in kids. Sometimes we have to compromise on either effectiveness or duration of focus to work around the loss of appetite, but we’re usually pretty successful. Loss of appetite – most people notice some loss of appetite for a week or so, but sometimes that can go on for months and be a significant problem. sleeping is likely rebound adhd rather than a prolonged effect.

side effect of stimulants

When it is lasting too long, we can usually switch to a shorter acting version of the drug, or switch drugs entirely.If a stimulant wears off before 6, diff. Sometimes this involves taking a lunch time top up of the right drug and version. But, more often having just the right amount of stimulant still on board by bedtime can make it easier to go to bed and fall asleep. Sometimes though, stimulants can last too long and keep you awake. So typically, nothing persistent or deal breaking.ĭifficulty falling asleep – many patients already have trouble falling asleep, or simply a lack of desire to go to bed on time. to put things in perspective, a typical response to my question of any side effects? is No, no problems – then the patient pauses, and says something along the lines of well, I had trouble sleeping the first two nights, and i wasn’t hungry the first week, and damn, you’re right about that dry mouth. Here is a list of potential side effects, along with comments about them.

Side effect of stimulants