Mailplane vs airmail
Mailplane vs airmail

mailplane vs airmail

To see examples of all of this in action, explore the existing bundles in “/Applications/”. Each bundle contains commands that can be added to the menu system in MailMate, as well as a “bin” folder which can include tools built in any scripting language available to the system. It closely resembles the system that TextMate uses for building plugins and adding functionality. The bundle system that gets turned on when you enable this feature is exciting to nerds like me. For those who want to dig into the power of the underlying system… Here’s where “normal” people can stop reading. You just have to enable the “Experimental features” in preferences, and then look under the Commands menu after restarting MailMate. After some digging and with a little help from my friends, it turned out the solution was already available as a bundle. The clipper failed to grab a message URL, and I couldn’t find a way to script or hack what I needed. The one thing I couldn’t get working was integration with OmniFocus. I’m blown away by both the default functionality and the extensibility of the system. I was intrigued enough by its powerful features ( well-highlighted by Gabe Weatherhead) that I came around and gave it another shot. I’d tried MailMate in the past, but it hadn’t stuck. It was recently “crowd-funded” and it was promising enough that I was happy to pledge some cash just to see what would happen. This week’s test is MailMate, an email client with Markdown features, advanced rulesets, smart mailboxes and much more. I use each one exclusively for a week to see what issues I run into, what problems I need solved and whether or not I think I can stick with it. I’ve gone through just about every available option, from Mutt to AirMail, Postbox to MailPlane, and many along the way. I’ve been searching for a new email client for a long, long time now. Add Omnifocus.mmBundle to “~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles/” and edit the “Commands/Add With Summary.mmCommand” plist to change the hotkey. TL DR: Enable OmniFocus support in MailMate by turning on Experimental Features in General Preferences.

Mailplane vs airmail